Anne Desmet's Choice: Prints by Royal Academicians
Norman Ackroyd RA • Anne Desmet RA • Chris Orr RA • Rebecca Salter PRA • Emma Stibbon RA
“I am delighted to have this opportunity to show with a select group of Royal Academician printmakers whose work I esteem highly. As with any group exhibition, it is always intriguing to note the threads that connect the work. Each artist who I have invited to join me in this exhibition at Kevis House Gallery is a printmaker of high renown in at least one technique.”
Anne Desmet RA
See a short video tour of the exhibition below
“We are all artists with a clear-eyed vision of what we want to create and highly specialised technical abilities with which to do it. The work of all five of us has roots in drawing and painting.
A sense of intense observation connects our works too - whether it’s Norman's grey mountains looming from sea-mists, Emma’s intensely contrasted white ice and black seas, Chris’s people and places throbbing with life, my own intense studies of light and how it falls on buildings and other objects, or Rebecca’s equally meticulously observed studies of light and dark tones.
Whilst representational in subject matter, Norman’s etchings are a pure symphony in grey tones - linking them closely with Rebecca’s more abstract works.
Emma’s landscapes share with Norman's a sense of extreme weather and the joy of an outdoor adventure yet, visually, they perhaps have more in common with my works with which they share a sense of the dramatic and theatrical use of light and dark tones and a rigorous specificity of drawing.
Chris Orr’s work relates to mine in its undisguised love of representational drawing and of small details which make for prints that you can keep looking at for years and constantly find new surprises.”
Anne Desmet RA
Norman Ackroyd RA
Anne Desmet RA
Chris Orr RA
Rebecca Salter PRA
Emma Stibbon RA
![Exterior of gallery](
![Emma Stibbon: Sea Mist, Svalbard](
![Chris Orr: The Parliament of the Long Noses](
![Norman Ackroyd: Petworth Park](
![l-r: Chris Orr / Rebecca Salter / Anne Desmet](
![Anne Desmet wood engravings](
![Anne Desmet: Two London Churches](
![Chris Orr: Hooray for the Nagasaki Tramcar!](
![Emma Stibbon: Wreck](
![Anne Desmet: Tower of Angels](